14 June 2011

walkabout in serbia..not australia.


So in my email, I briefly mentioned a bit of some exciting news about meeting two girls that want to speak English with us. We had coffee with one of them, Natasha, yesterday (13 June). Please pray for her salvation. This past week we trained for about three days and would train then do a "walkabout," which just the chance to apply what we had just learned in mapping. It is crazy how basic spiritual mapping (prayerwalking and identifying spiritual needs) has not been done here...but it is crucial to the spreading of the Good News and building of the Church. The other days of training were teaching us to be aware of strongholds in this city--whether they be spiritual, cultural, etc.

In between training days and such, we were able to go to the Danube River, visit the American Corner [a shop with English magazines, DVDs, board games, and books] and we asked about volunteering there and he said yes that we could do a conversational English class with youth (EXCITING!), went to a humanitarian concert at the Jewish synagogue, I tried cabbage and eggplant [two things I would not eat at home], and Bethany and I watched Princess Diaries 2 with our dinner the other night and Princess Mia says "Dobar Dan" in it!!!! we freaked out and rewinded the movie to hear it again.  It is crazy---Bethany described it so well: "When we were younger, we didn't know what that meant. God knew and now we know. And He knew all along that we would one day know that saying because we would be in Serbia."

Sunday, one of our friends preached the Gospel clear as day...something most in the church have never heard! So be in prayer that they crave for more and desire to be a co-heir in the Kingdom.

Here is Psalm 63:1..a sweet and dear friend encouraged me with last week:

"God, You are my God;
I eagerly seek You.
I thirst for You;
my body faints for You
in a land that is dry, desolate,
and without water."

This land is dry, desolate, and without Living Water. May your prayers be that they will eagerly seek, thirst, and faint for the Giver of Life. Less than 2% of this country are born-again believers.

 Novi Sad from the Fortress.

This week we are mapping these areas so be in prayer for them: Grbavica and Liman I-IV (pronounced Lee-man). Each of these are neighborhoods (ours is Grbavica) and covers lots of people. Pray for our eyes and ears to open to see and hear the needs of those around us, that we constantly cover the streets in prayer, and that the Spirit guide us to divine interventions.  

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