05 June 2011

life as a balkan

You are more than likely asking "what is a balkan?"  Well, the area I am around are the Balkan countries and most of them live life as a Balkan meaning that they usually do not wake up and get going until 10 am or so and take it hour by hour with noooo schedules. They don't plan out the week for dinner dates or sport events but usually a few hours before the event is supposed to occur. Life is very easy going and relaxed. That is Balkan life...LOVE! 
I plan on introducing MS to Balkanism. :)

Recap of my last few days:
We began our Wednesday in the Word with some colleagues. We were challenged with Matthew 9:36 (which happened to be Garaywa's verse last year): "When He saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were weary and worn out, like sheep without a shepherd. (37-38) Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." It was through Jesus' observations that He was aware of the peoples' weariness. So we were challenged to observe the city by going to a handful of hand picked places to observe the people, the sounds, and possible opportunities. Furthermore, I could say all day that I love this city--yet how can I if I do not KNOW the city...much like within a relationship: how can you love someone and not know them? Impossible. So we have been getting to know this great city for this past week. Thus, this entails much walking! I actually got us lost a few times in the older part of the town but a lady and then a couple were able to help us out...they are soooo gracious and willing to help out! I have been able to figure out how to get around to places and such--much to the fact that I remember easily how I got to and from places. 
Bethany and I observed more of the city.  I ran into the lady that helped us out the day before in the Center where there were probably 200 hundred people...pray for a possible opportunity if God's will to run back into her and have some coffee. Then, we got to eat some home-cooked Mexican with some great friends and it was awesome just to Fellowship!
Got bus passes so that we don't have to pay every time we get on...my name is in cryllic--legit stuff! And met some more Friends around town. Then, our colleagues cooked us some southern food before the youth event Friday night. The songs were in Serbian--ever so thankful that God is not just God of America but of EVERYONE and he knows every language, not just English! Such a great experience. And a man from Slovenia was bringing the Word--which was translated to Serbian and then English..hehe. 
Saturday can be described in one word: Balkan. Didn't wake up until 12 and didn't leave the apartment until 4----I can get use to this! But we just walked around town and I gmailed surprise call my Momma.
Sunday was fabulous! The man from Friday night was back at the Church so it was translated again. We had the Lord's Supper-----funny story to come: They had loaves of bread and the juice. And you immediately eat it or drink it as it comes to you. Right after the service, I said "that was weird grape juice." Little did I know that it WAS NOT grape juice! Yes, in fact it was wine. Never would had known if my friends around me didn't tell me. I thought it was just extremely bitter...nope, wine. I'm still a bit shocked at that one.--- Then lunch with all the colleagues here at the Fortress: yum and fun! And then hung out with some Friends. And then I decided to figure out the bus routes and took one hoping it was go near my apartment--20 minutes later it did! ha it was an experience! 

Pray for us to continually get to know this great city that needs His Light and our training that begins this week.

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