07 September 2011

home bittersweet home

Brace yourself! 

So I must tell you how everything ended up the last 25 hours of my time in Serbia and transit back to the States. We got dropped off at the airport at 4:30 AM! because of course the only flight from Belgrade to Germany flies out at the crack of dawn! Our great friend, Kyle, took us to the airport--he has had tons of experience of this by now this summer. But we had a few complications along the way but needless to say Our Father sure enough slowed the time down!!

Leaving Belgrade to Frankfurt, my seat was on the last row and how glad it was! I was tearing up and trying my best not allow everyone to see myself puffy and red-faced. And if you know me, you know I absolutely hate to cry in public..and usually I make jokes in those moments to lighten up the mood. Thus, I couldn't help but say in my head in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice "I'll be back!"  I long to be back there and see the folks we built relationships with and see how the Lord provided so many opportunities to show His Love to the Serbs. Furthermore, the sun was just rising as we were in commute to Germany and was comforted with Psalm 113:3-4 "From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the LORD is to be praised. The LORD is high above all nations; His glory above the heavens." 

Even more so, the Sovereign Father sent people of Peace along our way. It was a tremendous blessing to encounter like-minded people in a completely foreign place. In the gate there was a massive group with the same shirt on which is que for church or school group; they were the former. And then while Bet was away, a girl plopped a book down beside me and I realized it was the Ted Decker trilogy book and sparked a conversation with her. She was in Bulgaria for the whole summer doing similar work. It was such a blessing to share with her and she with us for the 20 minutes we had. Then on our 10 hour flight back to Houston, the lady between Bet and I had picked up my Bible and said she had one similar to mine. She had been in Africa working at a Christian orphanage. And then near the end of the flight, I began to chat with the couple next to me in the middle aisle. They were like-minded as well and even more so..they lived in MS for a bit then went back to Alaska.  So many different people of Peace in Germany and on our flight!! 
Kerry...a dear blessing in Frankfurt
The flight to Houston I used to write in my journal and recap everything that had previously happened. Then back on US soil. Mixed emotions. However, it was pretty good to see this sign.

Had to go through customs and such and get luggage and tote it to another belt to transfer it and back through security....(the US security check point people were meaner than all the European ones for sure).  But then Bet and I had to split ways to go to our gates. It was pretty good to hear voices and know what they were saying but then I was still in my Serb mindset of words and actions. Jumped from Houston to Jackson and had these FABULOUS folks waiting for me with welcome home signs :) They are the best!! Then we chomped on some yummy seafood! 
Brennan, my G-MA, aunt, and parents

Later post to come with differences between the two countries, what I learned, and what I hope you can learn from my summer.