24 June 2012

week tri.

We began Roma ESL Monday and it was wonderful!! Their faces lit up as we walked in the door and it is hard not to wrap your arms around each one and squeeze their beautifully tanned cheeks. On Wednesday we could see from a distance the kids outside the church and as soon as they realized we could see them, they dashed inside and acted like they never knew we were coming in. It was absolutely precious! It is a shame that the Roma people are synonymous with negative connotations, just like the South. It is not until you actually invest time that you see that those connotations might be true for a minority but are false for the majority. These people need your love and paryers. 

Tuesday Amy took me to Sveti Sava---the largest Orthodox church in Europe. This one is a bit different from the other orthodox churches in the city because it is financed by the congregation not the State. Thus, it is in a continuous state of work-in-progress.  Though it is not finished, the icons of various saints and prophets are everywhere and they have a divided area of the church blocked off to separate the area where “G0d” presides.  May the people understand that He is so personal and doesn’t reside behind a curtain for the privileged. He predicted that the temple would be destroyed in Matthew 24:2...then in Matthew 27:50-51, "Jesus shouted again with a loud voice and gave up His spirit. Suddenly, the curtain of the sanctuary was split in two from top to bottom; the earth quaked and the rocks were split." 

Friday, it was so refreshing to walk the block I live on and cover it in paryer and lift up my neighbors, the children on the playground, the old men playing cheese, and the businesses throughout the block. After parying for my community, the Stevens’ family, Amy, and I went to pary for another community…more specifically for Mira. Recently, a judge has ruled for her eviction despite the fact that she has the papers claiming she owns her apartment.  She was warned that Friday she would be served papers for eviction, which gives ample notice for people to protest. Click here for the previous protest. From what I was told, this time around was much more serious. Compared to last time, there were many more cops and riot police present. Political cards were exchanged and eventually the police decided to come back for another yet undetermined date. So please pary for YOUR Sister, Mira. 

The guys in all navy blue are legit po po and weren't going to joke around. 

 A good size came out to support Mira.

The police asked for people's id to write down their info. The people swiftly came them to the police suggesting that jail would not stop them from protesting.

 It's a whole family affair. To the right is Mira.

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